Monday, November 16, 2015

Great Oakley to East Carlton via Pipewell and Wilbarston

From Mel Jarvis'sAround Corby Walk but clockwise. With Barry and Gordon. Lovely dry sunny morning with no wind. About 7 miles - no big climbs, but lots of high stiles!

Monks in sheep's clothing - on the site of Pipewell Abbey

Pipewell Abbey

The wide expanse of Pipewell/ Desborough airfield

Some info on the airfield If the link doesn't work first time try refreshing the page. No idea why!

Another link to a story from BBC People's War website mentions the airfield and more about Corby and Northants in WW2

One of several stiles

The path follows the line of the hedge

Worth a dollar or two?

Approaching Wilbarston

To be investigated?


A carved tree at East Carlton

East Carlton Church

Wildlife - rabbits possibly a hare, definitely a fox running across the field with his brush flowing as he ran

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