Monday, July 20, 2015

Off to the French Alps

We are leaving in a few hours. We will be going to the same ski area we went to last year but will be staying in a different village. Dutchman and I loved the slopes here because they are a kilometre wide!

This is the ski village. Just look at how wide the slopes here are.

We have visited this village last year, Dutchman several times, while I, I think twice in the afternoon. It was a rather quick visit as it is located at the other side of the mountain range where we were staying. The ski lifts connecting both mountain villages closes at 4PM sharp, so we were always in a hurry.

Nevertheless, I will be blogging during the holidays, internet connection permitting.

On other news, this weekend the whole Netherlands will be ice skating on the frozen lakes. Here is a Volkskrant article (Dutch) about the ice skating tours this weekend all over the country starting today Friday: Schaatstochten trekken 50.000 recreaten(Ice skating tours attracts 50,000 holidaymakers)

See you in the French Alps!

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