Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Scotland and the "kids".......

The line topo of "To Those That Wait"

Big numbers being bounced around @ IX/9

And "It turned out to be much easier than "To Those Who Wait", but none the less "The Secret"was an awesome line ".

The Secret was X/10 last I checked.

Will Sim:

"Greg gave the pitch the somewhat conservative grade of IX 9.....Its almost certainly the hardest onsight on the Ben to date. Its called "To Those Who Wait""

Will on pitch one...waiting for the money to come.

Saw this on Will's blog a bit ago when he got home from Patagonia. But missed the gist of ifuntil today.

Will Sim,Greg Boswell and Steve Lynch. Three we'll hear more from I suspect.

Obviously some very good climbing being done by all three.

Fun read as we sit out the local monsoon and 55F temps in mid Jan. and

More here:


and here:

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