Thursday, November 20, 2014

Mt. Baker

The other guys had to head home after Shuksan, but Dave and Doug stayed to climb Baker the next day. As the forest thinned out, we came to a staircase of flat rocks.

We see a lot of awesome flowers on our climbs.

Sulfur gas and clouds high on Baker. We climbed the Easton Glacier.

An icefall area low on the Easton.

Baker is known for it's numerous huge crevasses!

Dave taking in the view.

Climbers on the edge of Sherman Crater. Sulfur gas is rising behind them.

Sherman Crater as seen from the summit.

Sulfur gas is constantly hissing out of fumaroles in Sherman Crater.

Dave and Doug on the summit.

Doug looking down at the Easton and Deming Glaciers.

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