Saturday, May 21, 2011

Crazy Horse Volksmarch - out on a limb

A volksmarch is a "peoples walk" they are usually 6.2 miles long. Once a year the family that is carving Crazy Horse Memorial opens up the sculpture to people and allows them to walk up to and out the arm of the sculpture. I was working 7-3:30 and Gary was scheduled 2-10 so the Manager let me go shortly after 10 a.m. to go and do the walk. It was an amazing experience.

Entry to the event is 3 cans of food for the local food pantry and a $3 registration fee.

and we're off!

The walk goes through the woods and you catch glimpses of the Monument. You can just make out the people out on the arm

Signs point the way -- or you can just follow some of the other 6,000 people

They do a few blasts a year. They are bringing in some people from Canada to work on the hand and horse's mane starting tomorrow.

There are 4 check points along the way with water and snacks.4 boxeson the card are marked at each checkpoint. The first box was A the 2nd N the 3rd N and the 4th E. It spelled out ANNE thename of Korczak's daughter who passed away suddenly a couple weeks after we arrived. I thought it was a beautiful gesture.

We're getting closer and getting differentperspectives of the Mountain

We pass aMountain Goat grazing

We're almost there!

Ta Da!

The Head is 87.5 feet tall

The armis 263 feet long. The horses head will be 219 feet. The sculpter will be 641 feet long and sculpted in the round. Overall height 563 feet. What a tremendous undertaking.

The view goes on forever

What an incredible experience but now it's time to go back to work

Poor cowhas probably been trying to cross the road to greener pastures all day!

How true.

My favorite Hike ever!

To learn more about Crazy Horse Memorial go to

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