Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Still more game cam

Christmas Village is over for another year, so I hope I'll have more time now for blogs (both reading and writing).

And I swear I'll write about something other than the game cam eventually. But while I was away it captured some nice pictures. So, at the risk of sounding like a broken record... here's more game cam!

More turkeys. I don't know what it is about turkeys -- they just make me laugh.

A deer creeps onto the path.

I was surprised that the camera captured a rabbit hopping by.

Another clever bandit.

We had several rainy, drizzly days, during which this mysterious photo was taken. Chupacabra again?!

The animals definitely seem more active on dark, cloudy days.

The previous pictures were snapped during the week ending October 28th. The next series was for the week ending November 5th.

Spike buck.

These things happen...

I've zoomed most of the rest of the pictures since the subjects were fairly small in the total shot.

He looks a little damp!

Several coyotes were using the path:

Several bobcats too!

I'd say the second and third pictures are definitely of different bobcats. Possibly a female and a male, respectively.

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