Monday, October 11, 2010

Mystery critters

Argh! The camera was so far away! What in the world are these creatures?!

Critter #1 was just crawling out of the creek bank, I think. The back legs are possibly still below, out of the picture.

I lightened it up a bit, but I'm not sure it helps. This is about the limit of the flash's range, unfortunately.

Critter #2 does us the favor of showing his tail.

Here's the picture lightened up a little.

Since there's no perspective for size in these pics, here are the larger uncropped shots. I'm including yesterday's deer and coyote for comparison. Ignore the times/dates - they got a little off, and haven't been reset.

I'm fairly certain that critter #2 is a muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus). We don't have nutria here, and I don't know what else would have a tail like that.

What is critter #1? I was really trying to make him into a mink, but the more I look, the more I think he's really an otter. Especially when I compare with these earlier game cam shots. But let me know what you think.

Here are more otter pictures, in daylight.


Here is a closer look at critter #2 (click to enlarge slightly):

This is where I am seeing his outline, and why I thought it was a chunky muskrat. This may not be right, however. Like I said, it's difficult to see where his back ends and the brush behind him begins.

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