Friday, August 6, 2010

Raging River

High Falls on the Pigeon River is RAGING right now! After 3+ inches of rain over the past 3 days the gauge height on the river is almost 10 feet. Never have I photographed the falls at such a high water level before. I've photographed it with a gauge height of 9 feet before, but never 10. It really is a challenge because there is SO much mist and spray coming off the falls it is almost impossible to get a shot off before your lens is covered in moisture. You literally have to have one finger on the shutter and use your other hand to wipe moisture from the lens. Immediately after you pull the cleaning cloth away from your lens, you need to fire off a shot and if you're lucky you'll get a photo without any water spots on the lens. I took quite a few shots of the falls, and each one was so different due to the different patterns in the spray shooting up from the base of the falls. Keep in mind that this waterfall is about 120 feet tall... and often times the spray would shoot up beyond the top of the falls! I am showing you two different shots of the falls here. The first one is a fast shutter speed to freeze the movement of the water, the second one is a half-second shutter speed to blur the movement of the water a bit. I like them both, but I'll leave it up to you to decide which one you like best :-)

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