Sunday, March 28, 2010

Happy Birthday to Aric and Me!

Today was the 12th anniversary of my 30th birthday. And it was Aric's 19th birthday. So we put on our party hats and went and had some family fun. The guys went hiking again this morning. I was going to go, but my best friend saved me. (thanks again!) So I slept in and read books. Heavenly!

After they got back, we went to lunch. Then we all played laser tag. We had so much fun. It made for a great birthday. I got awesome gifts. Nathan got me just what I asked for. Diana picked some really touchingly awesome gifts. I had my birthday buddy here for the day.

I'm a happy girl.

Happy Birthday, Aric. I still remember the very first moment that I laid eyes on you. It was love at first sight and has been love ever since. You were a joy to me when a young child and I enjoy the young man you are now. You are one of the coolest and most interesting people I know. I hope the day was great for you too, Butter Bear!

Living the life surrounded by love in Tennessee!

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