Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Lake Superior Ice Field

Okay, imagine what it's like to try and walk across this... that's exactly what I had to do in order to get my photo titled "Balanced Ice" that I posted the other day. Well, I didn't walk across this particular area (it was too beautiful!) but I did have to navigate across a similar patch of ice in order to get close to the "Balanced Ice". Needless to say, it is not a situation in which you move in a hurry! Every move has to be carefully thought out and slowly executed. At any rate, this is a field of plate ice that I photographed in the late afternoon sun. The colors and shapes are incredible, don't you think? It just boggles my mind to think that plates of ice can be pushed up like this and hold this shape for days on end. This scene was photographed 4 days ago and this ice is still there!

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