Monday, January 5, 2009

Mystery Photo #1 Man and Woman

This is the first in a series of unidentified photographs from the Charles Wiseman Family Bible. See this post for background information.
Tintype. 2 ¼" x 3 ½" Note the tacks in the picture, one at the top and two below. This is a picture of a picture!
Could this be Samuel Bray, Sr. (1797-1885) and Susanna Ball (1797-1877), the parents of Naomi Bray Wiseman? Do you think the man and woman have similar facial features? Samuel and Susanna were first cousins, both born in Kentucky. Their parents moved to what would become Kentucky from Hampshire/Frederick County Maryland about 1785. What clues are there that might help date it? As always, you can click on the picture to enlarge it.

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