Tuesday, May 20, 2008

A special place

One of my wildflower society friends took us to explore her friends' land.

There were hundreds of young Trout Lily leaves (Erythronium americanum).

Close-up of the bloom.

Shooting stars! Tons! (Dodecatheon meadia.) I've never seen so many in one place.

So cool.

I wasn't familiar with these, but was assured that they are Carolina Lilies (Lilium michauxii). Not blooming yet.

Not your ordinary ginger. Shuttleworth's, I think. (Hexastylis shuttleworthii.)

Cranefly orchid leaves. (Tipularia discolor). Waaaay more than usual.

I'd heard of Yellowroot before - it's a traditional medicinal plant - but had never seen it blooming. I love the burdundy color. (Xanthorhiza simplicissima.)

Also in the area...

No idea what it is, except a pretty white tree.

Bloom where you're planted...? Yellow wood sorrel (Oxalis stricta).

A Verbena, growing in a roadside ditch.

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