Wednesday, September 30, 2015


We chose a balloon at random to watch as it went up from the beginning as they unrolled out the balloon from it's bag onto a tarp, filled it with cold air, heated it with the propane burner, rose up into the air and then lifted off to fly away, or in this case maybe swim would be the better word. This is the first year that Wally has come to the Balloon Fiesta, so it was his first flight here. Maybe even his first flight in New Mexico. We learned from the card that was handed out by one of the crew members that he was from Wisconsin and had just been "born" this year.
Most balloons have a web site and many give out cards simular to baseball cards that have information about the balloon.

Phend-Fisher Family Reunion Ledger (1942-1943)

The 33d Annual reunion of the Phend family was held at Nappanee Community Park Aug 30, 1942 with 32 in attendance. Also two Visitors Mr. & Mrs. W. O. Yarian of Toledo Ohio.

A Very good dinner was served which was enjoyed very much by all present.

Meeting called to order by president Henry Phend.

Motion made & 2d that Henry Phend remain as President
Fred Ernest V. President
Sec & Treasurer Virginia Phend, Larwill Ind

Balance of $1.40 from last year
Paid .25 Postage
leaving Bal $1.15

Motion Made & 2d that reunion be held at the same time & Same Place. Last Sun in Aug. Motion carried.

[page 2]
Collection today 2.85
Bal last year 1.15
Total 4.00
Paid for Pavillion 2.50
Bal 1.50

To Josephene Poyser, daughter Sharon Rose


Marriages - 1942
Betty Phend to LaMarr Stouder
Dean Ernest to Doris Mansfield
Elizabeth Phend to Charles Young
Mabel Phend to Harry Swiehart
Kohl Miller to [Dorothy Anderson]

[page 3 - marriages, continued]
Anna Mae [Thornton] & Martin Miller
Richard Thornton & Janice Roper

Minutes read, approved & signed.
F A Wehrly sec & Treas.


Phend-Fisher Family Reunion Ledger (1943)

1943. No Reunion.

Balance last year $1.50
Cards .08
Bal. 1.42


The Phend-Fisher families gathered for a reunion in Northern Indiana almost annually from 1909 until 1943. The events of the day were recorded in an old ledger book. Spelling has been retained as it was in the original though some punctuation and paragraph breaks have been added. To view all articles in this series click on the "Phend-Fisher Reunion Ledger" label at the bottom of this post. This is the last post in this series.

It would be 9 more years before the Phend Family Reunions resumed. On August 28, 1952 a family gathering was held in honor of Henry and Susie (Yarian) Phend on the occasion of their 60th wedding anniversary and the gatherings have continued annually since. You can read more about these reunions in my post titled The first Saturday in August.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Ice-Covered Shores

Here is a recent shot taken at dusk looking east along the Lake Superior shoreline in Grand Portage. It was a wind-stricken shore with big waves on this particular evening of January 3rd, . The lines in the foreground ice are what really caught my eye here, but I think the frothy waves in the background add a lot to the image as well. Enjoy!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

'Twas the Summer of '59

The first and last time that I attended summer camp was in June 1959. I was eleven years old and it was also the first time that I had been away from home for any length of time. The camp was affiliated with the Girl Scouts. Two of my friends, classmates and troop mates, Susan and Joanne, were there too, so it wasn't like I didn't know anyone. It sounds like I had lots of fun. Too bad I don't really remember specific events, though I do remember attending. Hopefully, my spelling and grammar have improved somewhat over the years...

Dear Mom,

I am fine, How are you, Jack, Doug, and Terry. Do you know that you have to pay 15¢ a car, 15¢ for parents, 15¢ for children under 12 years of age.

My consulers are Micky, & Watona. I am having a good time, I'm just a little home sick, not very much.

Do you know what a hopper is it is a person or more that helps set tables and get food on the tables. a hopper doesn't have to do his own dishes but she has to do the tables dishes.

I have written a letter to grandma to.

sincerely yours
Beckie W.

Dear Mom,

I told you about a hopper. I'm a hopper Sat. Lunch.

Can you guess who my cabin mates are? They are Susan Howell and Joann, Suzanne, Pamella, and Diane.

Monday night we had a lot of trouble Susan was crying for her dog, and Dianne triped and hurt her eye, and we made a clothsline and I forgot where we put it and ran thurgh it and got a rope burn, Suzanne was home sick.

I got your letter and was a little home sick. I am going to save $1.00, 5¢ a day for the Mermaid-Festival. Don't tell anybody else.

I lost grandmas address will you send me the address.

Sunday we had hotdogs, potatoe chips, milk, water, Bread & butter.

I am having loads of fun I will write to you & the family almost every day.

There is one letter that Mom sent me. I'm sure she wrote more but this is the only one that got kept...

June 15, 1959

Dear Becky -

Well how is the weather. It's raining here and I've got the furnace turned on - this is always the kind of weather you get when you go to camp. What time did you get to Pottawatamie. I'll bet you were hungry when supper time came - What did you have that was good to eat. Who have you got for a cabin mate. Even if it is raining I'll bet you have fun - We are watching T. V. It's the first its been on in the morning for 2 weeks. I've got some more strawberries that have to be picked. I was over at Pat's yesterday and we are going to have to start picking peas.

Ruth and Gene Stutzman are on vacation this week too - I hope you can read this - I'm trying to get done before the mail man gets here - Terry was looking for you last night & wanted to know when we were going to get you - Bill & Sue were here yesterday and Doug started yelling for you to come & play - He stopped as soon as he got "Bec" out.

= = =

There was one more page in her letter that listed the addresses of people that I was supposed to write to. She signed the letter "Mommy".

Pat is Mom's sister. Pat and her family lived on a farm and always planted a large garden. Bill and Sue are Mom's brother and his wife. Jack, Doug, and Terry were my brothers and sister. It's nice to know that my siblings missed me ;-)

I'm pretty sure that Camp Pottawatamie was located on or near the Tippecanoe River, which was the same river that flowed through the fields less than a mile from our house. I also think the camp is now part of the Tippecanoe River State Park. The town of Winamac is located on State Road 14, in Pulaski County, about a two hour drive from where we lived at the time. Not that far, but I'm sure it seemed further.

This post was written for and contributed to the 76th edition of the Carnival of Genealogy :: How I spent my summer vacation…

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The Grand Teton


The adventure began the day after Lori and Chacos marathon in Driggs Idaho. Nikelle Bird, Lori and I set out to summit the Grand Teton a 15 year dream of mine.


Elevation:13,775 feet (4,199 meters)

  • Documented 1898 First Ascent

  • The first documented ascent of the Grand Teton was on August 11, 1898 by four climbers—Franklin Spalding, William O. Owen, Frank Petersen, and John Shive—from a party of six sponsored by the Rocky Mountain Club in Denver, Colorado. Spalding found the route and led the climbers to the summit. Spalding, Peterson, and Shive climbed their route again (now called theOwen-Spaldingroute) two days later, building a summit cairn and chiseling their names on a summit boulder. Owen stayed at The Enclosure and took photos of the trio on top.

  • The speed record was set by Bryce Thatcher on August 26, 1983 in 3 hours and 6 minutes from Lupine Meadows to the summit and back down.

The Owen Spalding Route (yellow)

Picture from the Idaho side coming from Rexburg

And the Wyoming side with halos posing as if it was a saint...don't be fooled!

We camped at the Gros Ventre Campground just outside of Moose.

We awoke at 3:30 to pack up and head to Lupin Medows Trailhead (6,732 ft).

Early morning walk in the clouds

Arriving at the Platforms campground

View of the Middle Teton

our firstglaciercrossing

Shortly after the platform campground the trail crosses a moraine field and reaches the Medows (9,200 ft) camping area after another 1.0 miles. At the Meadows stay right of the small log bridge and follow the trail as it begins to switchback up toward Spalding Falls. Above the falls, the trail continues climbing until reaching the Lower and Upper Moraine campsites (11,300 ft).

The Meadow (9,200 ft)

Finding our way through one of the several boulder fields

Above the Upper Moraine campsites the Lower Saddle headwall will appear directly to the west. Use the fixed rope to ascend the class 3/4 headwall section. A short hike above the headwall will end at the Lower Saddle (11,600 ft)

The Upper Moraine(11,300 ft)

The fixed rope...found and utilized!

View from the top of the Lower Saddle(11,600 ft)

A few minutes after arriving on the lower saddle to taking in the view a yellow and white Search and Rescuehelicopter flew in. Our assumptions were gloomy and we knew someones attempt to summit the Middle Teton did not end triumphant. An ecologistfrom the park, stationed at the Lower Summit, confirmed our fears. They were doing a body recovery from the day before. A man from Victor Idaho had summited the Middle Teton with his two friends. On their decent their partner fell 1000ft to his death. His friends didn't witness the fall, however, another party did. They connected with the victims friends informing them of the mishap. Search and Rescue had been unable to recover the body due to an afternoon storm the day prior, They had returned to finish the search and bring the body home. Around three hours later crews located his body. Inreverencewe took our helmets off, standing on the rugged, unforgiving mountain side, in a moment of silence as we watched the body be lifted in a liter and flown toward Jackson Hole.

Emotions fluctuated from excitement as we reached totrail headto breathtaking aw of the view, fear we had lost the trail, contemplating andreverencinglife, being slap-happy and unable to control our laughter, respect for the elements to agonizing physical pain and a sense of ourmortality.


From the Lower Saddle, we hiked north toward the obvious black dike (which the slap-happy pictures are on). The trail split several times, however, we were able to keep forging on with little questioning to the left (west) side of the dike. We were met by a rugged feature called the Needle. We engaged in a class 3 for a short distance until we reached another headwall. The nextobstaclewe were searching for was the Eye of the Needle.

The Eye of the Needle!

Unable to find the eye of the needle (a tunnel-like opening in the rock)or a safe way to the trail we agreed we needed a little moreguidance so we turned to prayer. After the pray was said a female climber popped out of a tunnel five feet in front of us...the eye of the needle...our summit continued.

Continuingthrough the Eye of the Needle, we then traversed north along a ledge until reaching a large boulder which we were required to climb around with a little exposure...

If this isn't exposure


Reaching the Upper Saddle (13,160 ft)

What we had left to the summit (610 ft) which remained untouched by the three of us....

if you look closely at this picture you can see a climber (in orange) at the top of the rope and another repelling down (in blue). But what you can't see are all the quick moving black clouds from the west forging toward us. A storm we would not be able to beat nor did we have the courage to fight and possible risk life. We chose to enjoy the upper saddle for 15 minutes and head down as quickly as possible before lightning, thunder and hail and rain. We could not have made a more wise choice...LIFE.

Back down to safety at Lower Saddle

Nikelle...tell us how you really feel!

The rain jackets were the result of the storm that overshadowed the Grand

Back to the moraine file from the lower saddle

"This is one mountain I would not disgraced with a poorperformance"

Reminiscent: 20 hours of hiking post Lori's marathon...twobumknees...contemplatingsleeping in the middle of the trail...spouts ofuncontrollablelaughter and hours of silent pain staking hiking...arriving to the car at 11:49pm...sleeping in the parking lotillegally...lostIbuprofen...freezing...leg cramps..."themoleculesand the cells"..."pick the one you like the best"...Lori sleeping outside of her sleeping bag from intense heat wave..

The after effects....sasage toes

Sunrise the morning after...

Stay tuned for TAKE 2!