Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Jacob and Louisa (Fisher) Phend

Jacob Phend was born June 27, 1829 in Aarmuhle, prefecture of Interlaken, Canton Bern, Switzerland. Not quite three years later, on June 11th 1832 Jacob left the city of LeHavre, France on his way to a new country. He was onboard a ship with his parents, Johannes and Susanna Kübla B'hend, his two half-sisters, Barbara and Margaret, and his half-brother, John, "bound for Baltimore, with the intention of settling in Ohio" according to his father's passport. Family tradition has it that as the ship was nearing the American shore they encountered a severe storm that drove them off their course and the ship was driven onto rocks. It is not known where they came ashore, or where they went immediately afterwards, only that by October of 1832 his father had purchased land in Stark County, Ohio. The family settled in that area of Stark County that by the end of 1832 became part of newly-formed Carroll County.

It was there that Jacob grew up, presumably performing the same tasks as any other youngster raised on a farm during that time period. In December, 1840, the Michael Fisher family moved into the neighborhood. Their oldest child was 11 year old Louisa. Seven years later, on August 27, 1847 according to family records, Jacob Phend and Louisa Fisher became husband and wife. It is thought that Jacob and Louisa may have moved to Holmes county, Ohio where his half-sister Margaret Phend Weiss lived with her family. According to family records, it was in Holmes county that John, the first child of Jacob and Louisa, was born on July 29th 1848.

The following year, Jacob moved his young family to Taylor township in Greene County, Indiana. His half-sister, Barbara, had moved there about 1840 with her husband, Christian Feutz. On May 12th 1851, the second child was born to Jacob and Louisa and he was named Christian.

In March of 1852, Jacob sold his land in Greene County and headed north to Marshall County near the Kosciusko County line, not far from where "his wife's people" lived. Louisa's father had died in 1845 and at about the same time that she and Jacob went to southern Indiana, her mother had moved with the other children to northern Indiana. It is not known why she went north and they went south; perhaps she had relatives living there. At any rate, in the spring of 1852, Jacob and Louisa moved their family to northern Indiana and settled in German township, Marshall county.

The Phend-Fisher Family History written by Clarence Phend (oldest son of Christian) in 1928 provides the following account of the family's journey to northern Indiana: "In the year of 1852, Jacob Phend took his family and a few meager possessions which included one horse, a yoke of oxen, a wagon, and a dog onto a canal boat and journeyed to Lafayette, Indiana. While they were loading the oxen and the horse onto the canal boat, the horse became frightened and jumped overboard into the canal. Immediately the dog jumped off the boat, seized the rope to the horse's halter with his teeth and swam to shore with the horse in tow. A passenger on the canal boat, upon seeing this unusual fete performed by the dog, offered to pay twenty dollars for the animal, but the offer was refused. Upon arriving in Lafayette the dog was missing. A thorough search failed to reveal the whereabouts of the animal. From Lafayette they journeyed to their claim in Marshall county by ox cart. There was no house on this land so it was necessary for them to stay with some German people who lived nearby. They immediately set about to build a log house in which to live, and it was here that their children Samuel, William, Jacob and Sophia were born."

The family moved once again, in 1865, but only about one mile east to Scott township in Kosciusko county. They lived near the small town of Hepton, about two miles south of where the town of Nappanee would be built in 1875. That part of the county, as it would have been at the time the Phend's lived there, was described in A Standard History of Kosciusko County, Indiana (1919): "Scott Township was the last of the three northwestern townships to be settled, and it compares favorably, as to soil and drainage, with other portions of the county. The first post office was established in the southern portion of the township during the year 1853. Scott Township settled very slowly, although a small hamlet commenced to form in the neighborhood of the Hepler and Yockey farms. The original name of the village was Hepton. A general store, a mill, a creamery, a good school and other evidences of an intelligent and settled community gradually appeared in that neighborhood."

The farm at Hepton became known as the "Phend Homestead" and it was there, in November 1865, that Henry Phend, the last child of Jacob and Louisa, was born. The "Biographical and Historical Record of Kosciusko County" (1887) states: "Jacob and Louisa Phend purchased 120 acres of partially improved land, and now have about 100 acres in a good state of cultivation. Mr. Phend has built a fine residence and good, substantial farm buildings, and is considered one of the representative farmers of Scott township. Politically he affiliates with the Republican party. He and his wife are members of the Evangelical church."

It wasn't until 1875 that Jacob and Louisa sold their farm in Marshall county to their two oldest children, John and Christian. In the deed there was an added provision whereby a plot of land, to be used for church purposes, was given to the trustees of the Ebenezer Church, Evangelical Association of North America. A small white church stands there today, though I don't know when it was built. Later, Jacob was instrumental in establishing three other churches; one at Hepton, one in Nappanee, and the other at the community of Pleasant Plains near Limon, Colorado.

To be continued. . . see part 2 (link added September 26, ..)

Friday, February 22, 2013

Sunset at Allensworth

Photographs taken on March 27, .. at Colonel Allensworth State Historical Park northwest of Bakersfield, California.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Go-Anywhere Gearing: SRampagnolo Drivetrain with 'Frying Pan' Cassette

Seven, Magilligan Point

For the past few weeks I've been riding with an experimental drivetrain on my main roadbike "Desdemona" (a Seven Axiom S).The goal of this drivetrain was to achieve very low (sub 1:1) gearing, for hilly long distance cycling, including brevets. There are several ways to get that kind of gearing, some of which I've tried in the past with mixed results. The tricky part is not the gearing in itself, but achieving it with a modern (i.e. integrated shifters), lightweight road drivetrain, while keeping everything working smoothly. At the moment no road group from Campagnolo, Shimano or SRAM is designed to handle gears quite this low, so modifications are needed.

A hybrid drivetrain means that the parts making it up (cassette, derailleurs, crankset and brake/shift levers) are not all from the same manufacturer or group.Since modern road groups are designed for all the parts to work together, modifying or mixing them is generally not advised. That said, there aretwo general methods of doing so in order to get low gears. One is to keep most of the group intact, except for the crankset - replacing it with either a triple, or a double with much smaller chainrings (either way, inevitably foreign to the group). The other is to keep most of the group intact, except for the cassette - replacing it with a wider touring cassette (and long cage derailleur to accommodate). Speaking purely for myself, I have not been 100% happy with what happens when a modern road group's native crankset is replaced with a foreign one. So this time around, I opted for the other method.After 600 miles, what impresses me is that, in addition to being useful, this is also the least finicky hybrid drivetrain I've tried to date.

SRampagnolo Drivetrain
The setup here is a "SRampagnolo" hybrid. We've kept the front end of my bike's native Campagnolo Chorus drivetrain (50/34t crankset, front derailleur and 11-speed ergo levers), but used a SRAM 10-speed 11-36t cassetteand a SRAM X9 long cage rear derailleur.

SRampagnolo Drivetrain
A Jtek Shiftmate (model #4 I believe) makes the SRAM 10-speed cassette compatible with the 11-speed Campagnolo levers. You can read all about this neat little converter here. Obviously, if you are starting with a SRAM or Shimano drivetrain, your setup will be different. Going with all-SRAM should be the easiest, because, as far as I know, their road and mountain groups are compatible. Shimano I am less sure about.

SRampagnolo Drivetrain

The decision to go with the SRAM X9 long cage derailleur was made, despite some reports that the new SRAM WiFli road derailleur (designed to handle up to a 32t cog) can in fact handle a 36t. Seven's Rob Vandermark tested the WiFli with the 11-36t cassette, and was not happy with the outcome. That was good enough reason for me to go with the X9.

SRampagnolo Drivetrain
As far as functionality of the drivetrain, there is not much to say other than "It works." The entire range of cogs, from 11t to 36t, is usable in both rings. Cross-chaining has not been a problem in either combination (the derailleur does not explode in big-big and the chain does not go slack in small-small). Chain drop has not been a problem.The fact that the shifters are 11-speed while the cassette is a 10-speed is not noticeable. The Jtek converter works flawlessly and does not call attention to itself. After 600 miles of using the entire range of gears and switching between big and small rings constantly (including under load, and including when cross-chaining) I have not yet dropped the chain, gotten the chain stuck between rings, or even mis-shifted. In all ways, the drivetrain functions as smoothly as it did when the original groupset was intact. To be honest, even in the best case scenario I did not expect it to work quite this well.

SRampagnolo Drivetrain
As far as usefulness of the gear range, this too has exceeded my expectations. The cassette is spaced asymmetrically, so that the smaller cogs are closer together and the bigger cogs wider apart. The exact combination is:11-13-15-17-19-22-25-28-32-36. With the 50/34t compact double, this combination almost feels like having two separate cassettes at my disposal: One for fast rides and the other with bailout gears for climbing either very long or very steep hills (or both!). Normally, I find myself riding in the big ring, in the middle of the cassette. One unexpected outcome of this, is that the setup encourages me to use bigger gears - something that has proven helpful over the past weeks of learning different climbing techniques and trying some interval training on flats. I was so focused on getting the low gears I wanted, it did not occur to me how much I would appreciate having the really high gears as well.The small cogs are not quite as tightly spaced as they would be on a racing cassette, but they are tight enough for me.

And of course at the low end of the range, the sub 1:1 ratio offered by the 34/36t combination is a dreamy bailout gear - especially considering how lightweight my bike is and how nicely it climbs in general. This end of the spectrum does come in handy on long rides over steep hills. For paved riding, this is now truly a go-anywhere bike.

While I expected the wide spacing to feel like a compromise, in practice it doesn't. On my dirt road bike, the spacing is tighter with a 12-29t Campagnolo road cassette. While my low gear on that bike is very similar to what is described here (28/29t with 650B wheels), on the high end it maxes out at 42/12t. I notice this more than I notice the difference in cog spacing.To be able to fly in 50/11t with my legs on fire and the next day spin up a vertical hill while humming happily in 34/36t,on the same bike,is, like, wow.

On the downside, the wide cassette does mean a bit of extra weight in the rear coming from the bigger cogs, long cage derailleur, extra chain length and Jtek pulley. Around 200-300g is the difference between this and my original drivetrain. Holding the bike up in my hands, it does tip to the rear a tad now, whereas before it was a masterpiece of perfect balance. In motion, I do not feel the extra weight. And whether it's bike related or not, my average speeds over the past few weeks here in Northern Ireland have been faster than previously. I really feel that I have the best of both worlds now with this bike.Since this is a temporary setup (an experiment for Seven Cycles, as much as for me - they may offer this option on custom builds in future), a different rear wheel was built for the purpose of testing it. I still have my bike's original Campagnolo wheel, derailleur and cassette, and can get my old setup back fairly quickly. But I think I will end up keeping this one, at least for the time being.

Visually, I admit the huge cassette does not exactly look elegant. The local roadies here have quickly dubbed it "the frying pan" and I've adapted the term affectionately. I may not be able to fry eggs on it, but I can can go far and I can go fast. Now we're cooking!

Can Stop, Will Stop: TRP Mini-V Brakes

Honey Cyclocross, Winter Lilac

I have embarked on a long term test ride of a Honey cyclocross bike, similar to the one I rode in the Kearsarge Klassic last summer. When asked about component preferences on the demo bike, one thing I requested was stronger brakes. I had remarkably poor stopping power with the cantilever brakes on the bike I'd borrowed earlier, and I generally have not had good luck with cantis. I described these problems to Honey and we decided to try v-brakes. They suggested the TRP CX8.4 "mini-vs."

The TRP CX8.4 linerar pull brakes were designed for maximum stopping power oncyclocross bikes. Unlike full sized v-brakes, they were also designed to work with integrated road levers (this particular model works best withCampagnolo and SRAM)without requiring an adapter- reducing bulk, weight and complexity. These brakes have a number of features to recommend them for cyclocross racing, but having no experience with that side of things I will stick to describing them in the context of "just riding."

Under my weak grip, theTRPs feel reassuringly powerful. Those with strong hands could in fact find this problematic, but for me it is a welcome change from having to worry about stopping a fat-tire roadbike with cantis at the bottom of a hill. This is the first time I have used v-brakes on such a bike, and the quality of the braking does feel different from centerpulls and cantilevers. I have to apply pressure differently to regulate exactly how much I want to brake, but it didn't take long to train my hands to "understand." When attempting to slow down at high speeds, the braking is not harsh or jerky, but it is stronger than typical - so it helps to have a gentle touch, or else to use only one finger on the lever. For harder braking, there is a luxurious, modulation-friendly margin before coming to a full stop that I find especially helpful. In the past, I have had to get creative in order to stop on downhills during unpaved rides, and I've even employed my foot as an auxilliary brake on a couple of occasions. The TRPs are at their best precisely in those situations.

I have ridden the bike only a couple of times so far, but our winter conditions have allowed me to immediately try it on snow and slush. Getting the rims slushy did reduce braking power, but there was so much of it to begin with that it remained manageable. Basically, with the mini-vs the bike rides with slush-clogged rims like it did with dry rims when it had cantis.

The Honey cross is set up with a carbon fiber fork, and I have not detected any judder with the TRPCX8.4s. These brakes easily clearthe 700Cx35mm tires currently on the bike, and look like they could fit a fender. My understanding is they will not clear a 650B x 42mm tire; for that full sized v-brakes may be required.

With an MSRP of $149 per set, the TRP CX8.4 brakes seem like an excellent and accessible option for those seeking extra braking power on a roadbike with canti/v bosses. As I get the opportunity to try other brakes worth mentioning, I will continue the "can stop, will stop" series (See also: Paul Racer centerpull brakes).

Saturday, February 16, 2013

The Visionaries

Finding the pictures of the Nature Preserve the other day also reminded me that I said I would come back and share some more sculptures with you from the Botanical Gardens that we visited in Myrtle Beach.

This one features the couple that founded the gardens.

A poem written by the husband of the couple:

And another nature shot because I took hundreds of them that day.

So pretty, isn't it? I could have easily spent days in those gardens. We spent two days there and felt like we were rushing to see all there was there. Just a beautiful, peaceful place to be.

Living the life in Florida!

Boston Brevet Series 600K: a Crew Member's Report

NER Boston 600K

I awoke with a pounding headache to the sound of a stranger's voice saying my name. A dim motel room. Unmade beds. Early morning light streaming through half-open blinds. A hazy view of unfamiliar mountains. Commotion in the parking lot outside. For a moment I panicked, unable to recall what events could have led up to this. And then it came back to me: I had volunteered for the support crew of the 600K Brevet. I was in Vermont with the New England Randonneurs, and we had just spent the night at the overnight control - which equaled about three hours of sleep. And compared to the riders we had it easy. After a grueling 237 mile day, a few had already abandoned. Those who remained had 136 more miles to go. The sun was coming up, promising another 97 degree day. The air felt heavy and sticky. The clock was ticking.

NER Boston 600K

The 600K brevet is a 373.4 mile ride, which the cyclist has 40 hours to complete. In the sport of randonneuring it is the final and longest of a series of 100K, 200K, 300K, 400K and 600K brevets - designed to prepare the rider for the true challenge of the 1,200K grande randonnée, such as the famous Paris-Brest-Paris. PBP is staged every four years, the latest one having just taken place last summer. The next one will be in 2015.

NER Boston 600K
My time with the Randonneurs began at 3:15 on a Saturday morning. When the car pulled up, I was ready and bouncing with excitement. I had with me a floor pump, a bag of food, and what I hoped was a reserve of energy enough to last the next 40 hours on very little sleep. Having gone to bed in the early evening, I had tried to get sufficient rest but was awake shortly after midnight and could not fall back asleep. So I got ready, packed my things and watched Twin Peaks reruns as I waited for Steve. We had never met before, but would keep each other company from now on until this thing was over.

NER Boston 600K
It was still dark when we pulled up to the start - at the Hanscom Field Airbase just outside Boston. It was 3:45am and the riders were arriving. New England Randonneurs president Bruce Ingle was head of support. He had set up the sign-in table, with his father assisting. Our roles as support crew were clearly explained to us. Steve and I would be responsible for two control points - the first we would staff together with Bruce, the second alone. Other than that, it would be a lot of driving and a lot of waiting. We were given paperwork, supplies, instructions. We watched the riders gather.

NER Boston 600K
One of the first to arrive was bikey friend Jon Doyle. It was good to see a familiar face. While others were visibly nervous, Jon was smiling and appeared relaxed. In fact, I have never seen him in any mood other than this. Would he make it through his first 600K? I hoped so.

NER Boston 600K
Some riders had arrived at the start on bikes, others by car. Reflective gear was being donned, equipment checked.

NER Boston 600K
Pockets filled with food.

NER Boston 600K
Some had come from as far away as Maine for this brevet.

NER Boston 600K
Finally it was time to set off and Bruce went over the rules.

NER Boston 600K
A total of 11 riders began the 600K. I am told the fairly low turn-out was partly due to this being a post-PBP year, partly to there now being two sets of New England Randonneurs brevet series rides - one out of Boston and the other out of Vermont. The Vermont 600K will be in August for anyone who missed this one.

NER Boston 600K
Once the riders were off, we drove to the first control 45 miles away - at Barre Falls Dam in central Massachusetts, the car now loaded to the brim with extra supplies given to us at the start.

NER Boston 600K

Steve is that type of randonneur who thinks of himself as a casual rider, not by any means an athlete. I listened in awe as he described completing his first brevet series followed by Paris-Brest-Paris in the course of a single summer. "Oh, but I barely made the cutoff!" he explained, as if this served as proof of his "just a regular guy" status. Those sneaky randonneurs. Someone who can pedal 1,200 kilometers in the course of a single ride is not a regular guy in my book.

NER Boston 600K
We laid out the food, water, first aid kit, bicycle pumps, garbage bags and other supplies, as we waited for the first riders to arrive. The forest was beautiful, filled with tall pines. The morning air was cool.

NER Boston 600K

This control would be open from 6:07 until 8:48am. We discussed the weather forecast for the day and the types of needs and problems riders were likely to have along the way.

NER Boston 600K

The first arrival was rather unexpected. Having lived in New Hampshire and Maine, I have seen moose a couple of times before - but not this close. This fellow (or lady?) appeared out of the blue and just stood there, then casually meandered into the woods.

NER Boston 600K

Shortly after that, they came. At the first control it seemed like nearly everyone got there at the same time.

NER Boston 600K
The riders were hungry, but happy and full of energy.

NER Boston 600K

At mile 45 everything was going well and no one was having difficulty.

NER Boston 600K
I had my first experience signing control cards. These are yellow cardboard booklets that serve as proof of the riders having completed the entire course of the brevet. Inside is a grid of control point checkboxes. As each rider arrived, my job was to check the time, write it down in the appropriate box, and sign my initials. Not complicated, but it's important that this information gets entered correctly. Often the riders later use it to analyse their performance and make decisions about how to pace themselves on future brevets.

NER Boston 600K

We were also given a clipboard with a list of names of all the riders, where we would enter their in/out times at controls. This allowed us to keep track of where everyone was and how they were doing.

NER Boston 600K
After all the riders had departed, there was no sense of keeping the control open. We loaded the supplies back into the cars and drove to our next check point.

NER Boston 600K
The one that Steve and I would staff was quite a ways off, and so we stopped by the others to say hello. The control set-ups were all different and depended on availability of space. The trick was to set them up next to convenience stores with bathroom amenities. The availability of coffee and ice was a plus.

NER Boston 600K
Some controls were rigged up using open trunks of cars. Others had the luxury of grassy lawns, where they set up tables and umbrellas. Regardless, there was always food, water, a first aid kit, and other supplies available to the riders.

NER Boston 600K
Driving to our control we followed the brevet course, which gave us a good feel for the terrain. Navigation was tricky at times. We used Steve's GPS unit for turn-by-turn directions and the map on my phone for panned out views of the route. When reception was problematic we also made use of the cue sheets. The route took us west all the way across Massachusetts and into New York state. Our own check point would be to the north, on the border with Vermont, right after a difficult climb over a mountain pass. As the day wore on, the temperature and humidity climbed. When it reached 90, we closed the windows and turned on the air conditioning. After an hour in the car I grew unbearably drowsy and used all my energy to stay awake. I felt guilty as I imagined how the cyclists must be feeling around this time. Now and again we passed riders. No longer in one bunch, they were strung out in pairs and singles.

NER Boston 600K

We reached our second control in early afternoon - a rural convenience store with late opening hours. Next to it there was also a pizza place, a sandwich shop and another, 24 hour convenience store. We had permission to set up outside of the non-24 hour store, but not any of the other businesses. Problem was, there was nowhere to set up. The parking lot was crowded and rowdy, with constant motor vehicle movement. There was no safe spot. We would be at this control point for a while - from 2:08pm until 2:24 in the morning, and riders stopping here would likely be exhausted and in need of as many supplies as we could lay out, as well as a quiet, shaded spot to rest.

NER Boston 600K
We decided to set up under the only tree around, on a strip of grass in between the two convenience stores, and hope for the best. This was really the only option without having to change control locations. Chairs, coolers, water jugs, boxes of food were laid out as we waited for the first riders. But based on the in/out times we noted at earlier controls, we were not expecting them any time soon. The later in the game in gets, the longer the control points are open. This is in accordance with a formula that has to do with average times and such.

NER Boston 600K

With a long evening ahead of us, Steve and I took turns napping. As I sat awake drinking coffee, I received the first phone call from Bruce, letting us know a rider had abandoned the course. I crossed his name off the roster and we would not expect him at the control. An hour later came a call about a second rider abandoning. The 4 mile 7-8% grade ascent along Petersburg Pass in what was now nearly 100 degree heat and humidity was proving too much even for the experienced randonneurs. It was going to be a tough stretch for them all.

NER Boston 600K
It was not until evening that the lead rider arrived. Dripping wet, but calm and collected, the gentleman was in good spirits. It was a difficult climb in the heat, he confirmed. But he had done it in good time, and was determined to move on swiftly.

NER Boston 600K
After the lead rider's departure, things were quiet again, save for a small adventure with local police. The manager of the neighbouring convenience store did not like us sitting on the lawn between the two stores and sent the officers to talk to us. The police were nice about it, but we had to move closer to "our" store. Thankfully at this point it had grown dark and the traffic activity in the parking lot subsided. Steve moved his car to a corner spot visible from the road and we set up our supplies alongside. It was not as pleasant here as it had been in our previous spot, but at least the sun had set and there were few other cars around. We continued to wait for riders as the hours passed.

NER Boston 600K
It was after 11pm when they arrived - 4 young riders in close procession. They looked terrible and wonderful at the same time. Glazed-over eyes, drenched in sweat, their movements jerky.

NER Boston 600K
But there was also a delirious excitement about them that was contagious and inspiring.

NER Boston 600K
We plied the disoriented riders with sandwiches, bananas, watermelon. We had to direct them a bit. "Here, why don't you get some water first." "Oh right, good idea."

NER Boston 600K
We were excited for this group having made it this far. Now it was only 30 more miles to the overnight control. At this stage there was plenty of opportunity for them to get some decent sleep before making good time the following morning.

NER Boston 600K
Our supplies were more than sufficient to accommodate everyone. Steve bought some ice at the store to keep the perishable food fresh in the cooler. It is not easy to provide fresh food at controls, but the cooler allowed us to stock cold cuts and tomato juice.

NER Boston 600K
Despite their visible exhaustion, the riders were in a fine mood. I have experienced people behaving tantrumy in similar circumstances and was fully prepared for that, but there was none of it on this brevet. Smiling, small talk, asking about how the others were doing. A class act. Having rested a bit, the guys got back on their bikes and disappeared into the night.

Shortly before midnight the convenience store shut off their outside lights. In the dark we waited for the others. With two of the 11 riders having abandoned and 5 having just come and gone, we were still expecting 4 more to come through. Just after midnight I received another phone call that reduced that number to two. And then nothing. After 1am I began to worry. The riders had a contact number to call in case of emergency, but what if their phones had run out of batteries or they could not get reception? With the control only open for another hour, I hoped they weren't in trouble. Steve and I stood in the middle of the dark country road watching for headlights in the distance. "I think I can see them! ...No, false alarm." Shortly before 2am we finally did see a real headlight - just one. The lanky gentleman dismounted his double-top tube bike with trembling limbs as sweat poured off him in streams. He was fine, but his friend had stayed behind - sick and unable to continue after having crossed the mountain pass. Was there any chance we could pick him up in the car? Arranging for his own ride would mean a 3 hour wait in the dark.

NER Boston 600K
And so 7 of the 11 riders remained. The gentleman who was now with us had, unfortunately, not left himself much of a time cushion and we hoped he would be able to finish. After watching him ride off, Steve reshuffled the contents of his car to make room for a third passenger and a bike while I phoned the stranded rider and managed to get his coordinates. We retraced the previous 15 miles of the route along pitch black country roads and retrieved the gentleman and his bike. He wasn't well, but would be all right after some rest. After finally making our way to the overnight control point, the last thing I recall is climbing into a random bed at 4:30am. Then blankness.

NER Boston 600K
Our duties technically done, we headed back from Vermont at 7:30 on Sunday morning. We planned to stop at the finish and watch the first riders arrive. The drive back was exhausting and I could not keep awake. I felt hungover and somewhat deflated. And for the first time, I started to imagine myself doing the course in the future. It was a weak feeling, prompted possibly by guilt at being so tired when I wasn't even riding. But until then, I did not think I was at all interested in doing a ride like this myself. Now the sentiment had changed to maybe.

NER Boston 600K
On the way back to Boston, we stopped at another control to conduct a bag exchange. The timing of this is something I still don't entirely understand, but basically riders can leave things at the start and at certain controls to retrieve them later.

NER Boston 600K
Here we also saw Matt - feverish with exhaustion, his eyes aglow and his hands shaking. In between sandwich bites, he was lucid enough to tell me about the beautiful French bike he was riding. Matt works for Bikes Not Bombs and refurbished the vintage machine himself. This was his first attempt at a 600K brevet. It was clear to me then that he would finish. He had to.

NER Boston 600K
By mid-morning we crossed back into Massachusetts and at length arrived at the finish - back at Hanscom Field Airbase. How different it all looked in the mid-day sun.

NER Boston 600K

The rider whom we'd picked up overnight had hitched a ride in one of the larger support vehicles and was feeling much better.

NER Boston 600K

Melinda Lyons was also there. An experienced and distinguished randonneur, she was among the riders who'd abandoned the previous day. As Melinda put it, her status was NHF: not having fun. Somewhere along the Petersburg Pass, she determined the heat was too much for her in a year when she was really doing the brevet just for the heck of it. Having found a motel room on her own, she got some sleep and cycled back in the morning.

NER Boston 600K
And then I saw Ernie: Consistently in the lead throughout the brevet, he was the first to finish and looked fresh as a cucumber. I was also happy to learn that Stephen - the last of the riders to have arrived at our late-night control - had finished against the odds, with less than an hour to spare before the cutoff. The other remaining riders had finished as well: 7 of the original 11 completed the 600K brevet out of Boston.

NER Boston 600K

My small role in the brevet helped me understand how these events work, and, moreover, how much time and effort go into organising them. Mapping out the routes, recruiting and coordinating the support crew, arranging for car-pools, establishing control points, sourcing food and supplies, keeping the lines of communication open, keeping track of the riders - these things are crucial in ensuring a safe and positive experience for brevet participants. Perhaps some day I will take part in a sanctioned randonneuring event, perhaps not. I don't know whether I have what it takes - not only to make it physically, but to maintain composure and a positive disposition throughout, the way these lovely people did. Either way, I'd like to help out again when my schedule allows. These events need support volunteers, and anyone interested can contact their local randonneuring organisation for information.

Though this report was written from a non-rider perspective, I hope it shed some light on what long brevets are like. Congratulations to all who completed and took part in the Boston 600K! More pictures here. And see also this post about the riders' bikes.